Happy Paul Day!

Today I celebrate Paul Day. Today is his birthday, but he is not here to celebrate anymore. So I will celebrate with all of the good memories I have of my cousin. One of my fondest memories is the day I got my driver’s license. I called Paul and gave him the exciting news and he immediately suggested that I drive to his home to celebrate. So I did. My very first time driving alone was to go see Paul. When I got there, he gave me one of his famous bear hugs and then we just hung out and talked.
This photo of us is my very favorite one of us. Our Grandpa and I were driving down to the Outer Banks, NC to visit family. Paul had weekend leave from the Navy so we stopped in Virginia Beach to get him. We had a great time wandering on the beach and Grandpa took this photo. I have so many wonderful memories of Paul and will spend a bit of today remembering them. Happy Paul Day!