Thanksvember, Day 24

Today I am thankful for grandparents. The grandparent-grandchild relationship is a special one that leaves a lifetime of warm memories. I miss my grandparents so much, but I was fortunate to have 2 of them around into adulthood. My children are lucky enough to still have 4 grandparents and a great grandma in their lives. That is a lot of love. Thank you to all of the grandparents for loving their grandchildren unconditionally and being in their lives.

Thanksvember, Day 22

Today, and everyday, I am thankful for grandparents. I adored my grandparents and had a very special relationship with my Grandpa. Grandparents get to do all the fun stuff with their grandchildren without having to deal with raising them- win, win! Now I get to watch my children enjoy their grandparents and it warms my heart. My children are fortunate enough to still have 5 grandparents (one of them is a great grandma) living.