My New Wheels

Today, on the one year anniversary of my red Odyssey’s tragic death, I would like to introduce my new Honda Odyssey. She is a 2016 Honda Odyssey XE and she is one sweet ride. She has a lot more bells and whistles than my 2006 model and still has the features I loved before. I am especially thrilled with the rear back up camera and lane assist features. I have’t settled on a name for her yet, but welcome suggestions.

Photographer Spotlight

Last week I shared photos that I took of Matilda and her friends on Halloween and mentioned that Amanda and Megan had also taken some photos. These are some of my favorite photos that these two young photographers took that day. Their younger sister Mary was the primary model for their photos. Amanda and Megan did a great job setting up some beautiful shots and really captured Mary’s spunky personality.

Halloween 2015

Yesterday, I took Matilda and some friends to the park to take photos of them in their awesome Halloween costumes. I should note that all 3 of the older girls put their costumes together at the last minute. At least 2 of them ended up being something completely different than they originally planned. We ended up with a lumberjack, a unicorn, Lucy and a fairy princess cat. I love their creativity. The girls also took some photos and I will post them soon.